Game Pigeon Battery Drain

Stuff tested all of this properly, rather than winging it, because we’re nice like that.

Does Game Pigeon Drain Battery

Using an ageing iPhone 6s and an Nvidia Shield that’s seen better days, we used games and apps solidly over set periods of time, methodically logging battery levels. Many titles were discarded, since the aim was to have apps not ronch much more than ten per cent per hour.

Game Pigeon Battery Drain

Game Pigeon Battery Draining

Your mileage might vary, obviously, but you should get similar results using a device in airplane mode and with the screen set to around 50 per cent rather than to ‘eye searing’.

Reset the iPad if the Battery is Draining Fast. The next thing you can try is an old troubleshooting standby: restarting the device. Here are the steps you must follow. Press and hold down the Home button at the same time as the On/Off button. So I was gaming with AC for 20 min on CS:Go, battery dropped 4%. Saw Matt's post, decided to upgrade to 43WW (good bye old BIOS boot animation and hello Legion logo) then unplug AC, let the battery run till 90% and charge it back up to 100%. Game for another 10 min with the same config as previously, no more battery drain. Google services aren’t the only culprits; third-party apps can also get stuck and drain the battery. If your phone keeps killing the battery too fast even after a reboot, check the battery information in Settings. Why do some games use so much battery? The battery on your phone drains faster when you play a game because it is using more power.