House Party Game Pigeon Deity

  1. House Party Game Pigeon Deity Games
  2. House Party Game Pigeon Deity Play
  3. House Party Game Pigeon Deity Game
  4. House Party Game No Censoring

Item List & Guide

Below is a list of all of the items in the game and their uses. There are no items in the entry. Cabernet: In the liquor cabinet. Drink to help in increasing your sexual endurance during a Vickie quest. Use with: Yourself. Coffee: On the end table. Pour into the kettle to heat it up. Use with: Kettle.

Below is a list of all of the items in the game and their uses.


    There are no items in the entry.

Living Room

  • Cabernet: In the liquor cabinet. Drink to help in increasing your sexual endurance during a Vickie quest. Use with: Yourself
  • That’s why you need bright, naughty ideas to give classic party games a flirty and sexy twist. Here are some flirty party ideas for you to try at home. Follow the rules or twist them, according to your crowd’s taste, and make your house party a night to remember. Before we begin. So, you’ve got your bright idea for a good, kinky party game.
  • House Party - Once hailed as Rock, Paper, Shotgun’s worst game of 2017, House Party has been winning awards since it first emerged on the adventure game scene. This sexually charged, 3D point-and-click adventure is all about player choice and partying the way you want.One big house, hundreds of choices, dozens of storiesSweet news! Your buddy Derek invited you to a rager at Madison's house.
  • If you read deeper into the situation, the game was actually approved by Steam's review process before being released, and sold over 35k copies in its first month before Steam even took them down. So say what you want about the game, but it was doing just fine before any of the controversy. The dev just thought Steam was becoming more lenient.
  • Coffee: On the end table. Pour into the kettle to heat it up. Use with: Kettle
  • Credit Card: In the right desk drawer. Give to Amy during the scavenger hunt quest. Use with: Amy
  • Empty Vodka Bottle: In the liquor cabinet. Fill with water to give to Katherine. Use with: Kitchen Faucet
  • Marijuana: Acquire from Frank for $50. Can be turned into a joint. Use with: Paper
  • Natty Lite: On the floor next to the chair. Give to Frank to gain his trust. Use with: Frank
  • Petition: In the printer tray after creating and printing the petition. Collect signatures and give to Derek. Use with: Derek
  • Rum: In the liquor cabinet. Give to Katherine to get her to sleep with you. Use with: Katherine
  • Tablet: Not used
  • Thermos: In the liquor cabinet. Give to Rachel to get her phone number. Use with: Rache
  • Whack Spankiel’s: In the liquor cabinet. Drink to help in increasing your sexual endurance during a Vickie quest. Use with: Yourself


  • Chocolate & Water in Mug: Obtained after using the “Chocolate in Mug” with the faucet. User with: Microwave
  • Chocolate in Mug: Obtained after using the chocolate bar with the mug. Use with: Faucet
  • Empty Cup: Obtained after pouring coffee into the kettle. Use with: Kettle
  • Hot Chocolate: Obtained after heating the “Chocolate & Water in Mug” in the microwave. Use with: Amy
  • Hot Coffee: Obtained after using the empty cup on the kettle. Give to Patrick to sober him up. Use with: Patrick
  • Mug: On the cabinet to the right of the microwave. Use with: Chocolate
  • Salami: Inside the fridge. Give to Katherine to sleep with her. Use with: Katherine
  • Soda: Inside the fridge. Give to Ashley while she waits for you to wash her clothes. Use with: Clear Eyes, Ashley
  • Spoon: On top of the microwave. Used as an item during the tutorial. Use with: Madison
  • Tampered Soda: Obtained after combining with clear eyes. Give to Ashley to give her an upset stomach. Used with: Ashley
  • Whipped Cream: Inside the fridge. Give to Stephanie during a quest. Use with: Stephanie

House Party Game Pigeon Deity Games

Family Room

  • Mysterious Key: On the mantle above the fireplace. Locks and unlocks the door to the master bedroom.
  • Natty Lite: Behind the right speaker. Give to Frank to gain his trust. Use with: Frank
  • Speaker (Right): To the right of the fireplace. Can be moved outside to play music near the hot tub. Use with: Broom


  • Bathroom Skeleton Key: On the first storage rack to the left. Locks and unlocks all of the bathroom doors. Use with: Ashley
  • Cell Phone Jammer: On the cabinet in the corner. Can be turned on to block cell phone service to get Katherine to move to a different location.
  • Nattie Lite: On the right side of the 3rd shelf of the storage rack. Give to Frank to gain his trust. Use with: Frank
  • Goodbye Kitty Underwear: Inside the Orange Bin (Only accessible during the scavenger hunt.) Give to Amy during her scavenger hunt. Use with: Amy

Downstairs Bathroom

  • Towel: On the counter to the left of the sink. Give to Ashley so she can dry off. Use with: Ashley


  • Blue Flower: On ground along the path to the gazebo after using the blue hair dye on it. Give to Ashley during her redemption quest. Use with: Ashley
  • Flower: On ground along the path to the gazebo. Give to Ashley during her redemption quest, though she will reject it because it is red. Use with: Blue Hair Dye
  • Lit Joint: Obtained after using the joint on the fire pit. Use with: Ashley
  • Vickie’s Panties: Given to you by Vickie. Use with: Amy

Upstairs Hallway

There are no items in the upstairs hallway.

Master Bedroom

House Party Game Pigeon Deity Play

  • Blue Hair Dye: In bathroom, used to turn the flower blue. Use with: Flower
  • Camera: On desk. Used to take pictures. Use with: Frank
  • Clear Eyes: In closet, used to tamper with soda. Use with: Soda

House Party Game Pigeon Deity Game

  • Madison’s Diary: In safe, used to gain Ashley’s trust. Use with: Ashley
  • Madison’s Phone: In bathroom, used to access incriminating pictures of Madison. Use with: Ashley, Madison
  • Natty Lite: Give to Frank to gain his trust. Use with: Frank
  • Painkillers: In bathroom, used to clear up Patrick’s headache. Use with: Patrick


  • Broom: In closet. Use with: Mound of dirt, Speaker

Upstairs Bathroom

  • Natty Lite: Behind the laundry basket. Give to Frank to gain his trust. Use with: Frank

Laundry Room

  • Ashley’s Clean Clothes: Obtained after using them in the dryer. Use with: Ashley
  • Ashley’s Wet Clothes: Obtained after washing them in the washer. Use with: Dryer
  • Chardonnay: In the utility closet. Use with: Stephanie.

Spare Room

  • Ashley’s Clothes: Given to you by Ashley. Use with: Washer
  • Ashley’s Panties: Given to you by Ashley. Use with: Amy
  • Pencil: Used to obtain safe code. Use with: Paper (while on Gastronomy book)


  • Chocolate bar: On the shelf to the left of the chair. Can be used to make hot chocolate. Use with: Mug
  • Flask: In the right desk drawer. Can be filled with alcohol after Rachel has her thermos. Use with: Rachel
  • Natty Lite: Under the desk. Give to Frank to gain his trust. Use with: Frank
House party game eek
  • Paper: On the desk. Can be used to get Madison’s safe code, and can be used to roll a joint. Use with: Gastronomy Book, Pencil, Marijuana
  • SD Card: On the desk. Can be used with the camer to take pictures. Use with: Camera
  • USB Stick: Not used


  • Fifty Dollars: Obtained from Stephanie after pleasuring her. Use with: Frank
  • Filled Flask: Obtained after giving Rachel the flask. Use with: Patrick
  • Joint: Obtained after using the marijuana with the paper. Use with: Fire Pit
  • Merlot: Carried by Patrick. Obtained after getting Frank to fight Patrick. Use with: Stephanie
  • Patrick’s Phone: In possesion of Brittney. Can be used to tpoof text messages. Use with: Katherine

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© FabrikaCr - Getty Images House party games for adults are the perfect way to make your evening that little bit more hilarious - because what could be better than the cereal box game?

While the best drinking games are sometimes all you need to have a brilliant party, sometimes you're after something just a ~little~ bit more civilised. Step forward: the best house party games for adults. And yes, we are counting Human Cluedo as civilised.

Head's Up

A real crowd pleaser, the Head's Up app makes party games a doddle. Once you've downloaded it, one person picks a category (whether that's Superstars, Act It Out, Animals or more), and puts the phone to their head. The phone will then display words within that category, and the other players on that person's team have to describe the word without actually saying it, in a time limit. Once the person guesses correctly, they nod the phone forward, and it moves onto the next word. The winning team is the one which guesses the most words in the time limit.

Mystery Word

This is a great game to start at the beginning of a dinner party. Everybody has to put their own name into a pot, and a ridiculous phrase / word / sentence into another pot. Each person around the table then pulls a name and phrase out of the respective pots (hopefully not their own!), and then has to work that phrase into conversation with the chosen person, without being called out for it. For example, if one person pulled out 'I applied for Love Island' and 'Sarah', they'd have to find a way to tell Sarah about their ITV2 application without her suspecting.

© Giphy House party games | Party games for adults

Human Cluedo

Take Mystery Word one step further with Human Cluedo, which is a great game to play over the course of a weekend. Everybody involved writes their own name down and puts it into one pot, and then a household item to put into another pot. Finally, you write as many locations as there are people down (i.e. kitchen, bathroom, garden).

Everyone picks a person, item and location. Over the weekend, each person is tasked with giving their chosen person the thing in the location. If someone does it to you, you're dead and out of the game, so can't try and 'do it' to someone else. For example, if someone manages to give you the pepper grinder on the balcony. Last person standing wins.

Cards Against Humanity

Everybody knows this one, don't they? It's an absolute classic (just maybe not one for Christmas Dinner with your parents!) The rules follow a simple 'Fill in the blank' format. Everyone is dealt 10 white cards, which are the options for 'filling of the blank'. One black card is then drawn, which contains the blank that people have to fill. Each player then chooses one of their white cards which they think best fills the gap, and puts them face down on the table. The person who drew the black cards reads the sentence aloud, filling in the blank with the different options each time, and then chooses the funniest as the winner of that round. The person who wins the most rounds, wins.

© Giphy House party games | Party games for adults


Like Head's Up, Psych is an app. Once downloaded, you enter the names of everyone playing. The app will then ask questions about different players, and everyone in the room has to anonymously submit an answer. Everybody playing then picks the funniest answer to the question, and the player who wins the most rounds, wins. It's a bit like Cards Against Humanity, but you're able to tailor the questions and answers to the people you're playing with, which makes it a little more interactive.

Cereal Box Game

This house party game calls for some good old fashioned physical activity. Get an empty cereal box and put it in the middle of the room. All participating players must try and pick the cereal box up using their mouth in any means necessary, providing they don't put their hands on the floor, or any supporting furniture. Once everyone has had a go at picking up the cereal box, cut an inch off the box. Continue trying to pick it up with your mouth, and cutting an inch off each time, until someone is crowned the surviving winner.

Sheet Mime

There are many different ways to play The Sheet Mime game, but the basic rules are the same. Every person playing puts a couple of nouns into a hat (typically, the more in-jokey, personal and ridiculous, the better!), and takes it in turns to play four different rounds. In the first round, each player pulls out a word and has to articulate what it says without saying the word. In the next round, pull a ~different~ word out of the bowl, and act it out. In the third round, try to describe the word using only one word. And in the fourth? Each player has to act it out under a sheet. Yeah, it gets pretty silly.

Other variations of the game involve a round trying to explain the word only using your eyes, or using slightly easier words in the hat - think people or objects.

© Giphy House party games | Party games for adults

Ring Of Fire

There are so many great drinking games around, with the age old classic being 'Ring Of Fire'. The game involves one pack of cards being spread around a cup in the middle of the table, which each card having a different value. Players take it in turns to draw the cards, which mean the following -

  • 2 - You, the player who drew the card picks someone to drink
  • 3 - Me, the player who drew the card drinks
  • 4 - All those who identify as female drink
  • 5 - Thumbmaster, the player who drew the card must put their thumb on the table. The last person to put their thumb on the table must drink
  • 6 - All those who identify as male drink
  • 7 - Heaven, the player who drew the card must point to the sky, and the last person who points to the sky must drink
  • 8 - Mate, the player who drew the card picks a drinking mate, who must drink every time they drink
  • 9 - Rhyme, the player who drew the card says a word, and you go around the circle rhyming with that word until someone messes up, and has to drink
  • 10 - Categories, the player who drew the card thinks of a category (e.g. dogs, cars, types of alcohol), and you go around the circle naming words in that category until someone messes up, and has to drink
  • Jack - Rule, the player who drew the card makes a new rule (e.g. must drink with your left hand, or you can't call people by their first names) and anyone who breaks the rule has to drink
  • Queen - Question master, if anybody answers a question asked by the player who drew the card, they have to drink
  • King - the player who drew the card must pour some of their drink into the cup in the middle
  • Ace - waterfall, every player continually drinks their drink, and can only stop when the person to their right has stopped drinking, starting with the player who drew the card.

Beer Pong

Another absolute classic. Beer Pong involves attempting to throw a ping pong ball into your opposition's cup, resulting in them drinking the contents. At either ends of a kitchen table / counter top/ ping pong table, put six cups in a triangle shape. In teams, take it in turns to throw the ball into your opposition's cups from your end, being sure to be transparent with your rules from the beginning. Is the ball allowed to bounce? Are you allowed to hit the rim? The winning team is the one who lands the ball in all of the opposition's cups before they do it to you.

© Giphy House party games | Party games for adults


While there is a board game you could use for Pictionary, it's not completely necessary. Ask everyone playing to write down 10 phrases, objects, actions, people or otherwise and put them into a bowl. In teams, one player must help their team guess what the piece of paper says, using only a pen and paper, against a clock. The phrases can be anything from 'Coleen Rooney versus Rebeckah Vardy' to 'Boris Johnson zip-lining'. The winning team is the one who can guess the most rounds of correct answers in your chosen time limit.

Chocolate Game

This is a party game classic, isn't it? You haven't been to a soiree without a bar of chocolate and some oven gloves being whacked out. If you've never played it before, players sit in a circle around a bar of chocolate, a hat, a scarf, a knife and fork, and a pair of oven gloves. Going around the circle, players take it in turns to role a single dice, trying to get a six. When a player gets a six, they put the hat, scarf and oven gloves on, and try to cut up the chocolate (which is meant to start wrapped!) using the knife and fork. Their chance ends when the next person rolls a six, and takes over, putting on the hat, scarf... and so on. The game finishes when the whole bar of chocolate has been eaten.


Everybody loves a good game of Articulate, don't they? If you've never played before, the rules are simple. In teams of two or more, one person is the describer, and the remaining people are the guessers. The describer takes a card from the front of the pack and has to describe the word in the category that corresponds to the segment on the board where the team's counter is, without saying the actual word.

For example, if your category is 'People' and the person is 'Kim Kardashian', the describer could say, 'The full name of Khloe, Kourtney, Kylie and Kendall's sister.'

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House Party Game No Censoring